

Legacy By Design

What’s A Venture Studio?

A Venture Studio is more than an incubator or accelerator; it's a comprehensive framework where visionary entrepreneurs and change-makers come together. We provide a supportive environment where ideas are cultivated, refined, and transformed into sustainable ventures with lasting social impact.

// Grow Your Influence //

Scale Your Impact

// Grow Your Influence // Scale Your Impact

How It Works?

  1. Apply: Fill out our studio application.

  2. Incubate idea: We begin by exploring and refining your innovative ideas, aligning them with market needs and societal challenges.

  3. Expert Mentorship: Our team of seasoned experts and industry leaders provide personalized mentorship, guiding you through each stage of development.

  4. Resource Access: Gain access to a network of service partners, investors, and operations support crucial for scaling your venture effectively.

  5. Collaborative Environment: Interact and collaborate with like-minded entrepreneurs, fostering a culture of mutual support and learning.

  6. Prototype to Launch: From prototyping to product launch, our Venture Studio supports your venture's growth journey from customer 0 to 1.

The SOI Difference

Our commitment to change extends beyond conventional boundaries. We're dedicated to fostering ventures prioritizing financial sustainability and driving positive societal change. Through our Venture Studio, we're igniting transformative solutions that address pressing global challenges.

Inclusive Access through Network Leverage

We're passionate about leveling the playing field for underrepresented entrepreneurs. By harnessing our global network of partners, we're breaking down barriers and increasing access to venture development opportunities worldwide. This means that impactful ventures from all corners of the world, led by diverse and underrepresented voices, can benefit from our tailored support.

Flexible Fee Structure, Amplified Impact

Understanding the unique needs of changemakers, our Venture Studio offers a flexible fee structure. This structure is designed to ensure that financial considerations do not hinder the development of your visionary venture. Through our network of vetted global service partners, we can provide more affordable rates without compromising the quality of the support you receive.

Join the Movement for Inclusive Impact

At the School of Impact, we're a community that believes in empowering all voices to create change. Together, we're reshaping the landscape of entrepreneurship, breaking barriers, and nurturing ventures that amplify the impact on a global scale.


  • A Venture Studio is an ecosystem designed to nurture and develop innovative business ideas from conception to impact. It provides comprehensive support, resources, and mentorship for your entrepreneurial journey.

  • We collaborate with visionary entrepreneurs and corporate innovators, guiding them through idea refinement, prototype development, and beyond.

    Our experienced mentors provide personalized guidance, while our network of partners offers resources for sustainable growth.

  • Our focus on driving both financial sustainability and positive societal impact sets us apart. We also prioritize inclusivity, enabling underrepresented entrepreneurs from around the world to access our support.

  • We typically engage entrepreneurs in three ways: Equity, Profit Share, or Fee for Service.

    Our flexible fee structure is designed to accommodate different entrepreneurs' needs.

    Through our network of service partners, we offer affordable rates without compromising quality.

  • Yes! We welcome ideas from all sectors and types of entrepreneurs.

  • Yes. We encourage nonprofits to consider creating a supplementary revenue stream to boost their financial sustainability and support general operations.

  • Our global network of partners provides access to resources, investors, and collaborative opportunities. This network amplifies your venture's potential for growth and impact.

  • We cater to ventures at various stages, from ideation to post-launch. Our approach is adaptable to ensure tailored support that suits your venture's specific needs.

  • Our experienced mentors offer personalized guidance on strategy, market insights, and impact optimization. They're committed to helping you navigate challenges and seize opportunities.

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