Build Your Future

Thank you for your interest in joining the SOI Venture Studio!

This application form is designed to help us understand your background, ideas, and potential fit for our venture studio. Please take a few moments to provide us with the information we need to evaluate your application.

Purpose of the Application: The purpose of this application is to identify individuals and teams who are passionate about innovation and have the drive to bring new startup ideas to life. We are looking for candidates who exhibit a strong entrepreneurial spirit, a clear understanding of market opportunities, and a commitment to building impactful businesses.

Criteria We're Looking For: We are seeking individuals and teams with diverse backgrounds, skills, and experiences. Here are some of the key criteria we will be evaluating:

  1. Entrepreneurial Mindset: We're looking for individuals who are not afraid to think outside the box and take calculated risks.

  2. Market Insight: We value candidates who have identified a specific problem in the market and have a compelling solution.

  3. Execution Ability: We're interested in candidates who can demonstrate their ability to execute and turn ideas into reality.

  4. Team/Solo Dynamics: For teams, we want to see effective collaboration and a balance of skills that contribute to the project's success. If applying solo, discuss what your ideal team looks like and when you’ll start recruiting them.

  5. Long-Term Vision: We're interested in applicants who have a clear vision for the future of their startup and the impact it could have.

Instructions: Please provide accurate and complete information in the fields below. Your responses will play a critical role in our evaluation process. Be sure to highlight your unique qualities and the potential of your startup idea.

We appreciate your time and effort in completing this application. If you have any questions during the process, please contact our team at

Thank you and best of luck with your application!